Welcome To My Blog!!!

This is my blog, I mostly write about the same stuff. There is always something different though, it's that I also write about my day or what I am doing. I kind of use this like a Twitter but this has more stuff...

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Monday, February 8, 2010

My Reviews On Tooth Fairy + Randome Stuff = Today's Blog

The movie yesterday was great; me, Alex and my grandma all rated it 10/10 so that's proof. We got to the movies almost half an hour early so me and Alex played in the arcade and he sucked at a skateboarding thing. Then we both played something kind of like Air Hockey for two rounds. The first game he won 7-6 and the second game he won 7-4. Oh yeah you know the medium size bag for popcorn? He could eat the WHOLE thing, I can't even eat half of it.

I can't wait for Friday, me and Alex are planning something evil. I won't tell you guys until after we did it because then you could also maybe see it on YouTube or something. We both have channels mine is 1Music1Girl1 and his is thechipmunkschannel1 since he loves the chipmunks. I can't wait for the prank!

Oh yeah something about him is creepy, we agree on almost everything. I swear, so far the only things that are different are our birthdays, our ages and our favorite colors. We like the same type of music and we like the same type of movies. There is also a lot more, but saying them would take over a year. I am not doing this blog for that long.


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